Why you need to consider an electric car

Electric cars have been improving constantly since they were first introduced to the market – through exciting and innovative research and technology, electric cars are set to completely revolutionise the automotive industry. 

Here are a couple of reasons why you need to consider an electric car – sooner rather than later!

The trend for electric cars

Electric cars are once again in the spotlight as a saviourr for our environment. We are once again having the conversations around how electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly than their combustion counterparts – and we are now closing in on the technology needed to make EVs a mass market reality.

The benefits of electric cars

Powered by electricity over petrol or diesel, EVs offer us the opportunity to get around using sustainable energy. Electric vehicles are also lower in carbon emissions – with some even producing zero emissions. Sustainable renewable energy can be used to charge EVs making them better and more sustainable for our environment. 

Range and batteries

Range anxiety was a very big worry a couple of years ago. But recently, through innovative and exciting research, EV batteries have improved immensely. Tesla is leading the way when it comes to battery technology and range of their electric vehicles – and while batteries may take a bit longer to charge than quickly filling your car up with petrol, electric cars are gaining more and more popularity.

You can now rent EVs 

Electric cars have made their way into traditional rental car fleets. This is incredibly exciting and is a positive step towards electric cars taking over market share. 

Our team specialises in Tesla rental in Sydney – we’ll help you navigate your EV and make your experience memorable. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to keep you moving. Call us on 1300 407 853.

Tesla Rental Cars



4 May 2021

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