What your day might look like driving an electric car

Electric vehicles have drastically increased in popularity over the last few years. The technology running them has also improved – from both the batteries used as well as the chargers available. So if you aren’t already driving around in an EV, here’s what a typical day might look like.

Typical day to day range requirements

Most EV owners will only drive around 20 – 40 kilometres per day – a round trip to the office, a grocery pick up or to pick up their kids from school. This is not actually such a big deal to your range – and will only require you to charge your car every third to fourth day. So while range anxiety is a real concern to people who don’t yet own or drive an electric car, the reality is less daunting and completely manageable – especially when driving a Tesla!

Charging while out and about – public charging stations

Depending on where you live, charging stations may be plentiful. In Sydney our charging network has increased quite drastically over the years making it just that much easier to charge while out and about. Whether it’s in the basement parking complex or out at the shops, finding a public charging station is easy with the help of dedicated electric charging apps. You can also easily plan your route with the Tesla app and dashboard navigation. 

Charging at home

If charging while out and about is not convenient for you and your lifestyle, then there is another solution. You can have an at home electric charger installed – this needs to be done by a qualified and experienced electrician. Alternatively, you can also charge your electric vehicle directly from your wall plug – it won’t be quite as quick and it may be tricky if you don’t have a garage to park in but it is doable!

Our team specialises in Tesla rental in Sydney – we’ll help you navigate your EV and make your experience memorable. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to keep you moving. Call us on 1300 407 853.


Tesla Rental Cars



30 June 2021

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