What to expect when renting a Tesla

Driving a Tesla electric car is an experience that you cannot beat – renting a Tesla can be different to renting a traditional car. We explore a couple of things that might surprise you when getting into a Tesla for the first time.

You might need a quick intro lesson

If you’ve never driven a Tesla then you will probably need a little help to start – that’s because these EVs are unlike any other car you’ve driven. Things that may take you off guard include one pedal driving, remembering to keep an eye on the car’s charge as well as how to use the onboard dashboard system to navigate.

You will need to plan your routes

Driving an electric vehicle is different from a combustion engine – you won’t be filling up at the petrol station which is on every corner. You will need to be aware of the local charging stations and plan your routes accordingly.

Silence has never sounded so sweet

EV’s are, by design, quiet when driving but Tesla takes it to a new level! You’ll probably get a surprise when you realise just how quiet driving around is – this is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

You will have fun!

No matter for how long you are renting your Tesla from us – you are guaranteed to have fun! From hidden easter eggs to having time to interact with the features of the car, renting a Tesla can be the perfect opportunity to enjoy your journey.

Renting a Tesla may be a new experience for you – or you may be used to driving one of these luxury EVs. Either way you will have a great experience when working with our team. 

Our team specialises in Tesla rental in Sydney – we’ll help you navigate your EV and make your experience memorable. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to keep you moving. Call us on 1300 407 853.

Tesla Rental Cars



27 April 2021

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