The future of electric mobility

The evolution of lithium-ion battery is solid-state batteries – the future of electric cars. To name just a few benefits, greater autonomy, better safety and faster charging.

The race is on. And if manufacturers don’t start putting some serious research investment into this part of the technology now, they will never win. There are many institutions and universities around the globe working on these batteries, from Tesla, GM and Ford, BMW and DaimlerChrysler all joining the fun.

Getting these batteries into mainstream vehicles is a little hard, but they can and should be mainstream. And the key is acceleration. 

Lithium-ion gets the job done, but it comes with a downside: resistance. The faster you want to travel, the heavier your car must travel to accomplish that speed and the longer it takes to charge the battery back up. Lithium-ion batteries also weigh more than regular batteries, which is an additional burden on the electric motor and, in some cases, the electric motor can even fail due to weight.

My electric motor will not die before its time. Electric motors can last anywhere from 4 to 10 years, depending on the model and the conditions under which they are operated. It must be stressed that these longevity percentages is the minimum result.

Customer demand is the future. Right now electric vehicles are at their peak in the developed world. Manufacturing facilities are struggling to keep up with the demand, while governments continue to be the reluctant participants in the electrification of transport.

The time is fast approaching for us to see a full-on electrification of the world’s transport system. If a technology exists that guarantees an electric car for every person on every single trip, it will be obsolete before it gets out of the prototype stage.

The electric car does have some big advantages, but it also has some huge limitations as well. Electric cars are great for short trips, as you can easily recharge at home, but they really just are not practical for long distance traveling – yet.

The really exciting news about long range electric vehicles is compressed air. Compressed air is 2.7 times more powerful than atmospheric air pressure and can provide enough energy to power a vehicle on a highway for over 483 kilometers, as proven by many test drives.

Plug-in electric vehicles could change how we live our lives. There could be no more gasoline stations on every street corner. Life will change irrevocably. And we’re ahead of the curve – did you know that you can rent a Tesla directly from us? Call us on 1300 407 853.

Tesla Rental Cars



8 March 2021

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