How the Model X is safer than other cars on the road

When choosing which car to drive, safety is often the most important factor. So how did the Tesla Model X go on to make headlines across the world as one of the safest SUVs that you can drive? Noted as a standout performer, the Model X has many factors that make it safer than other cars on the road.

Scores and rating

Depending on where you stay in the world, every car will be tested against a predetermined list of criteria to fully assess the safety of the car. In Australia, we rely on the ANCAP rating system. ANCAP, or the Australasian New Car Assessment Program is the independent vehicle safety authority for Australia and New Zealand. ANCAP provides independent safety ratings for vehicles on our roads and gives us a way to compare cars. 

So how did the Model X fair when put to the ANCAP test?

Very well in fact! The 2019 Tesla Model X received some of the highest ratings of all cars – with 98% achieved for adult occupant protection. Notably achieving full marks in this regard when testing both side impact and pole oblique. The Model X achieved 86% for child occupant protection, 72% for vulnerable road user protection and 94% for safety assist.

Areas tested include a range of aspects such as pedestrian head on impact, child restraint installation and even seat belt reminders.

When considering an EV rental car, the Tesla Model X definitely stands out in more ways than one!

An SUV that won’t roll?

Another interesting finding of the many safety tests the Model X went through was the finding that the Model X did not roll. Unlike most SUVs, the Model X kept returning to an upright position and did not roll. SUVs are popular because of their size, but the problem with them is that they tend to roll over with any type of impact. The Model X has a large battery pack located on the floor of the car, making its centre of gravity very low.

Our team specialises in Tesla rental in Sydney – we’ll help you navigate your EV and make your experience memorable. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to keep you moving. Call us on 1300 407 853.

Tesla Rental Cars



4 May 2021

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