Five facts about Tesla’s Model 3 that you probably don’t know about

Did you know that our Tesla rental fleet, currently based in Sydney, includes the Tesla Model 3. As an impressive performance sedan, the Model 3 should be on the top of your mind when you consider EV’s for yourself – but are you completely familiar with all of the ins and outs of exactly what this powerhouse delivers?

Here are five facts about the Model 3 that you probably don’t know about.

0-96km in 3.2 seconds

It’s fast! There’s no denying this powerhouse is a performer – and equipped with a carbon fiber spoiler, it’s stable when taking off at speed. 

Two independent motors

Did you know that the Model 3 comes with the option to be equipped with two motors? These two motors can drive independently of each other and control torque to the front and back wheels. This all allows for better handling – and traction control.

Only 2 physical buttons – you control everything electronically!

From air conditioning to your radio, everything in your Tesla Model 3 is controlled electronically through your onboard touchscreen. This leaves only 2 physical buttons – leaving everything cleaner and simpler.

Advanced impact protection

The Model 3 is one of the safest cars you’ll ever drive. Designed to take the impact and keep you safer – the empty aluminum and steel at the front of the car draw in the impact from a crash. The Model 3 also has received top safety marks in roof strength and it’s driver-assistance system.

Perfect 5 star safety rating

In the United States, Europe – and of course here at home in Australia, the Model 3 has shown itself as a safe car receiving top marks in safety tests. Safety tests check a variety of aspects of a car and how it performs in an accident – including passenger safety, pedestrian safety and impact protection. 

Our team specialises in Tesla rental in Sydney – we’ll help you navigate your EV and make your experience memorable. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to keep you moving. Call us on 1300 407 853.

Tesla Rental Cars



30 March 2021

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