Experience the magic of driving a Tesla electric car

Did you know that it is now easier to experience the magic of driving a Tesla electric car? It’s as simple as making a rental booking with our team! Maybe you already have a Tesla parked in your garage, or maybe you’ve had your eye on one – you can now easily rent a Tesla and drive away in style. Here are some reasons why we think you should be driving behind the Tesla steering wheel.

Reduce your carbon footprint

By making the switch to electric, you immediately reduce your use of petrol or diesel. Electric also means low to zero emissions – and if you’re driving around in your Tesla, you can rest assured that you’re contributing zero emissions to the environment. Now is the time to change our habits and find greener ways to get around town – there’s no better way than driving a Tesla electric car.

Experience the smooth, quiet drive

Electric cars don’t make the same noise or vibrations as traditional combustion engines. This allows for a much smoother and quieter ride! Most are surprised when first driving around in an EV, but you will get used to it quickly and never look back!

Feel safer

Did you know that both the Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model x that form part of our green fleet are some of the safest cars out there? Measured using ANCAP, the Australian rating system, these cars perform well against the measures set around driver safety, passenger safety and pedestrian safety. 

It’s never been easier to change to electric, and we’re proud to be leading the way in electric car rental in Australia.

Our team specialises in Tesla rental in Sydney – we’ll help you navigate your EV and make your experience memorable. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to keep you moving. Call us on 1300 407 853.

Tesla Rental Cars



18 May 2021

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