Driving range explained

Your EV driving range is one of the most important and crucial aspects of living the electric vehicle life. Here are a couple range facts explained.

Your own driving range will be determined by a combination of your EV and your own driving habits. 

Factors that drastically reduce the range of your car

  • Aggressive driving
  • Long mountain climbs
  • Strong headwinds
  • High air conditioner use
  • Battery degradation
  • Extra weight (e.g. passengers and/or luggage)

How Tesla electric vehicles improve driving performance

Tesla has the ability to have their software and firmware updated through regular ‘over-the-air’ or remote updates. Updates can include safety feature updates, entertainment system updates and increased performance upgrades amongst other things.

Why you no longer need to have range anxiety

Range anxiety is the fear of not having enough charge to get to your destination – or running out of battery before getting to a charger. Today’s electric vehicles are a lot more driver friendly – with improved technology, electric cars of today can get you almost (if not the same) distances that traditional combustion vehicles achieve on one tank full. There has also been a massive growth in our charging stations locally making the day to day worry about where and when to charge a thing of the past! For longer roadtrips, we advise proper planning though!

Looking to rent a Tesla electric vehicle?

Look no further! Our green fleet now makes it easier for you to experience the joy of driving around Sydney in a Tesla EV. Our fleet ensures that you can hire a vehicle and still reduce your carbon footprint – all while driving around town in luxury.

Our team specialises in Tesla rental in Sydney – we’ll help you navigate your EV and make your experience memorable. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to keep you moving. Call us on 1300 407 853.

Tesla Rental Cars



30 June 2021

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