Charging your Tesla

One of the easiest parts of owning a Tesla is charging! Many often feel overwhelmed in the beginning, however, this is not something that should keep you away from owning one. You’re able to charge wherever you can find electricity – from normal domestic plug sockets to high speed charging stations. 

The speed at which you can charge your electric vehicle will really depend on a couple of factors including the battery charging state, the alternating current and the direct current. 

  • Charging with less stored, or with a lower range, will be quicker than charging as a top up. Once you go towards 100% charged, charging will become noticeably slower. A good rule of thumb is to charge until 80 or 90% unless you are heading off on a longer range roadtrip and need that extra charge.
  • AC or alternating charge is what you will find at most public charging stations. AC charging rate is limited by the size of the onboard charger in your car. You can find your Tesla specifications in your owner’s manual.
  • DC or direct current can be found at Tesla Superchargers and is the quickest way to charge your EV.

The type of cable you need to charge really depends on where you will be charging your Tesla. With the standard cables, you’re able to charge at home, at superchargers, at any household power socket and at chargers with tethered Type-2 connectors. Have a chat with us before driving off if you have any questions about how and where to charge your Tesla rental. 

Our team specialises in Tesla rental in Sydney – we’ll help you navigate your EV and make your experience memorable. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to keep you moving. Call us on 1300 407 853.

Tesla Rental Cars



28 May 2021

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